Guerilla Marketing: Creating Unexpected and Unconventional Promotions
Who: Students interested in communication, public relations, and marketing.
What: April PRSSA professional development meeting featuring guest speaker, Kevin Drum, as well as information and final details about the spring fundraiser, Rockstock (
Where: Maybank 307
When: Thursday, April 9 @ 5:30 p.m.
Why: Learn from local marketing professional and guerilla marketing coach, Kevin Drum with Titan Coaching, LLC. Kevin will discuss successful case studies of guerilla marketing efforts as well as ways to use guerilla marketing tactics for student events. In addition, we will be finalizing Rockstock details and assigning Rockstock volunteer responsibilities. PRSSA members that paid dues this spring, please attend the meeting to receive your membership certificate and card.
How: The meeting is free to anyone who has interest in attending; just come as you are...excited to learn about guerilla marketing and to network with a local marketing professional.
Contact: Emily Coleman (