Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Meeting Recap and September Luncheon

Happy Wednesday PRSSA!
The week is half over and that means we're that much closer to the weekend. The other officers and I wanted to thank everyone who came out to our first meeting on Tuesday. Some great ideas were shared and we are so excited to begin planning activities and events for us to work on throughout the year. We're still hoping to build membership and after receiving multiple emails about conflicting schedules we are considering holding a second informational meeting on a different night for those who could not attend on Tuesday so look out for more information on that. In the meantime I have a great networking opportunity to tell you about! The South Carolina chapter of the PRSA is holding their monthly luncheon Thursday, September 9 upstairs at Virginia's on king. Networking and registration will begin at 11:45 with lunch being served at noon. For those of you who aren't familiar with downtown restaurants, virginia's is a great one. The student rate for these luncheons is only $15 and this opportunity, not to mention the food, is definitely worth your time and money. The topic of discussion is something we're all very familiar with, social networking! Specifically how social media marketing may threaten the code of ethics that PR professionals abide by.
If you are able to attend they ask that youRSVP by Tuesday, September 27th. To register online visit you are not registering online you may contact

PS- anyone who has schedule conflicts on Tuesday nights and would be interested in attending an introductory session held on a different night please shoot me an email at

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